History & Mission
ATI-LA's Mission Statement
The Alexander Training Institute provides teacher training in the F. M. Alexander Technique, a system of psychophysical re-education. Our mission is to ensure that trainees develop a deep understanding of and embody the core principles of the Technique as passed on to the faculty by the teachers of previous generations.
While providing a traditional foundation for teaching the Technique, we encourage individual exploration and growth in a supportive, stimulating environment.
We envision our graduates will teach the Alexander Technique inspiring and empowering other individuals to become more conscious through integration of the whole self, thereby responding effectively to the challenges of a complex world.
A Short History
Incorporated in 1987 by 8 friends and colleagues, ATI-LA was collectively established to answer the need for an Alexander Teacher Training Course in Southern California. To date we have trained over 100 teachers.
Along with the AT Teacher Training Course we offer opportunities for learning:
whether you are new to the AT
wish to become a certified teacher or are
continuing your AT education.
Each member of the Senior Faculty at ATI-LA has been actively teaching the AT for over 40 years.
ATI-LA hosts the AT Book Club! And has a library of books, articles, and videos on the Alexander Technique that is maintained and developed for use by the trainees and the AT community.
ATI-LA is approved by the state of California’s Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE).
ATI-LA is approved by the American Society for the Alexander Technique (AmSAT*), the largest professional organization of teachers of the Alexander Technique in the United States. www.AmSATonline.org

Founding Directors:
Pamela Blanc
Lyn Charlsen Klein
Michael Frederick
Sydney Harris
Babette Markus
Frank Ottiwell
Jean-Louis Rodrigue
Judith Stransky
Current Board Members:
Pamela Blanc
Michael Frederick
Sydney Harris
Meg Jolley
Babette Markus
Frances Marsden
Patty Massey
Kosta Potamianos
*Statement on F.M. Alexander's Writings
AmSAT Training Directors, August 24, 2020
As AmSAT Teacher Training Directors, we strive to create diverse, equitable, and inclusive training environments. A thorough knowledge of the writings of F.M. Alexander (1869-1955), the founder of the Alexander Technique, is required for AmSAT teacher certification. Within these writings Alexander expresses ideas that are racist and sexist. We acknowledge and reject all racist and sexist ideas, both expressed and implied, in that material.